Thank you for your interest in AMD. We are constantly evaluating our VIP partner network, so if you are interested, we would be happy to consider you in our evaluation process.

An ideal partner is an established U.S. company that currently sells industrial supplies to industrial facilities, has working relations with production engineers and is looking to increase revenue by adding AMD custom-built machines to its current product offerings. Simply fill out the form and we will contact you to schedule an evaluation at your convenience. The evaluation process includes standard business questions as well as how well your company would fit within our VIP partner model.

Advantages of Partnering with AMD by joining our VIP Network

  • Collaborate with manufacturing professionals throughout North America to increase your offerings and maximize profits.
  • Increase your ability to meet customer requirements that may have been out of reach previously.
  • Have confidence that your machines will always deliver on behalf of your promises and your company
  • Tap into the experience of 120+ engineers across many disciplines to better meet and exceed your customer's requirements.
  • Realize better flexibility to integrate your current lines of work into a complete solution.
    • Example: Some partners have benefited by their ability to now offer components that can be integrated into the final solution as well as the ongoing opportunity to provide customer replacement parts.
  • Relationship flexibility.
    • Example: Partner as a distributor or work on commissions. We are open to how our collaboration with your business will work.
  • Our guiding mission is to establish long lasting, creative, mutually beneficial business relations. 

We look forward to connecting with you!

26+Years Experience
120+Highly trained
engineers & technicians